
Showing posts from November, 2020
What is it, how does it work and why use an aromatic diffuser? Surely, you would like to feel the sensation of arriving at a place and as soon as you enter to smell your favorite fragrance, right? Having a specific scent will make you feel "at home" and there is nothing more comforting than this and an aromatic diffuser will help you generate this experience. But in the diverse and fun world of smells, not everything goes. It is essential to know what scent to use and, most importantly, how and where to implant your scent diffuser so that the result is the desired one. Aromatic diffuser: what is it exactly? It is a simple and small device, around the size of about 12-15 cm, which is capable of vibrating particles of essential oils to dispense the aroma of your choice throughout the room in which it is located. Not all aromatic diffusers are the same, nor do they have the same characteristics and shapes. So take note of all the types of automatic diffusers that exist in the ar